Because He Wanted To

I was very near death 10 or 12 years ago. The doctors told me I had lung cancer. I could hardly raise my head up from the pillow, much less get up and walk. I collapsed at home one night and my wife took me to the hospital, and, two or three days later, the doctor sent a lady into my room to prepare me for death.

I thanked the lady and told her I was fine with it. When she left the room I called for the oncologist. He came, and I begged him to let me go home to die. My son, his wife, and my two granddaughters lived with us at the time. I was in a Veteran’s Hospital about 70 miles from home.

So I convinced the doctor to let me go home and die there with my family, instead of in a lonely hospital room. It took a while, but he finally agreed to let me go home.

The whole time during this ordeal, which went on for a few months, I was completely at peace. So much so, that it surprised me. I had always thought I would be a mental wreck if I knew I was dying, even though I was a Christian.

I say it went on for months, it did, but I didn’t get helpless until near the end. The doctors told me I was dying and there was nothing that could be done. They said the tumor practically filled my lung.

I went home from the hospital and instead of dying, I started feeling better. Within a month or so, I was perfectly fine. I went back to the doctor and had another CT scan. The tumor was gone.

I had not yet completed the works the Lord wanted me to do.

Jon David Banks God’s most unworthy servant

P.S. Through it all, I could not ask God to heal me because I had brought the tumor on myself by smoking when I was younger. He just took the tumor away because He wanted to.