Two unpopular truths

The feminist movements, beginning [I think] in the 1800’s and continuing in some fashions today, have sought to change the role of the woman to be no different from the role of the man. They want what they are calling equality in everything. 

Because of this, as well as other similar things, many through the years have maintained that, because the Bible was written in earlier times, some Scriptures become obsolete as customs change.

But the truth is:

Genesis 3:16 tells us the desire of women will be for their husbands. Daniel 11:37 tells us the man of sin, or man of lawlessness, will have no regard for the desire of women. So in these last days the powers of darkness are working to downgrade the desire of women (men) and they are doing it by upgrading women.

This may sound course, but it really isn’t. God’s plan is for the man to be head over the woman. A woman is not allowed to usurp authority over a man. This is not a slam on women, it is a divine order, that, if followed, both men and women will find peace, security, and love in its highest fashion. It is the will of God.

Men and women are all equal in Christ; in Him, neither is woman independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as the woman originates from the man, so also the man has his birth through the woman; and all things originate from God, 1 Corinthians 11:11, 12.

However, men and women have different duties to perform. For this reason Paul said, “But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of every woman, and God is the head of Christ, 1 Corinthians 11:3.

So the driving force behind women’s struggle for equality is the spirit of antichrist.

For a woman to raise herself up to be equal with a man, is no different from a man raising himself up to be equal with Christ. They are both insubordination and rebellion; it is rejecting the word of the Lord. See        1 Samuel 15:23.


“Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves,” Romans 13:1-2.

There seems to be more people today ignoring the speed limits than there are respecting the speed limits. I know many of the speeders claim to be Christians and some even have Christian bumper stickers on their cars. This shouldn’t be; it is hypocrisy; it is deliberate sin.

Only those who can be trusted with small things are fit to be entrusted with large things. And it’s a very small thing to drive within the speed limits; it requires very little to do this. However, although it’s a very small thing to do, it reaps large benefits, benefits that resound with communion with the Holy Spirit, abiding in the Vine, and access to the secrets of God.

As you drive down the road and endeavor to stay within the speed limit, acknowledge that you’re doing it out of respect for the Lord. Remind yourself that you’re doing it because it’s His ordinance. You are obeying Him. You are denying self and submitting to God. 

If you do this you will soon notice that your relationship with Him is becoming sweeter and sweeter; you will begin to feel closer to Him because you are walking by the Spirit and doing the will of God. And if you continue being obedient in this small area you will find that He will give you more and more responsibility and your relationship with Him will become more intimate. I’m very serious about this. We must be obedient in all areas.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as emergencies. I’m speaking of everyday normal driving in town and on the highways.


I realize these two truths will upset some people; but, be that as it may, Jesus did not ordain me to please people, but to help them, by speaking the truths of the kingdom of God.

May the Lord bless those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Jon David Banks, God’s most unworthy servant