Grateful Eyes

Wherever you go, wherever you look, the works of God’s hands are displayed in spectacular grandeur, revealing Himself to all who will take the time to be attentive. Be still and listen; hear the wind from which the Holy Spirit came; hear the trees singing praises to God, and, at times, clapping their hands. Listen to the birds as they send their songs to heaven in honor of the living God who made them. 

Take a moment to study the green grass of spring and summer as they remind us of the precious Seed of God, which fell into the earth and died, only to rise again and bring forth fruit in the form of those who believe in the name which is above every other name. 

Look at the flowers in their beauty, surpassed only by the Son of God, sleeping at night and opening their petals every morning to receive the sun’s kiss. Sometimes, if you quietly listen, they will speak of the mercies of God (I have experienced this). The entire creation knows God (Romans 8:19-22) and waits to be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. The creation also knows us. 

My friends, our God is everywhere. He is in the wind and the seeds of the grass and all other subjects that spring forth from the earth. He is in the fragrance and the beauty of each flower and the rhymes of each song sung by the birds and the trees. He is in the laughter of children and their tears as well. He is in the unity of husbands and wives, blessing and keeping together those who love Him. He is everywhere. May we all treat the creation with kindness, knowing that our Father is in it. 

May God bless and encourage each person who reads this. May He allow you to hear what the creation says and see its beauty with grateful eyes.

Jon David Banks, God’s most unworthy servant